Challenges relevant to SIEUSOIL interests…
The COVID-19 INSPIRE Hackathon will be already the 17th hackathon organised by the Plan4All association in cooperation with CCSS and other H2020 projects including SmartAgriHubs.
COVID-19 INSPIRE Hackathon 2020 develops and shares agri-food economy solutions to balance the imperatives of the present with the demands of the future.
In COVID-19 Hackathon the following topics will be addressed:
- Facilitate access to data and services for an easier digital innovation in the agri-food sectors.
- Educating individuals from other sectors for being able to support agri-food businesses in the crisis.
- Forecasting of regional food supplies, deviations and/or shortages
- Mobilising agricultural workforce for harvesting.
- Regional matching of offer and demand for fresh produce in decentralised settings.
See below 3 of the defined challenges, related to the SIEUSOIL project: