Webinar on Maps Sharing – QGIS Plugin and HSLayers-NG demonstration
1 October 2020 @ 14:00 CEST
Do you have GIS-related data you want to share using open technologies?
The organisers of this Webinar will present you a way to publish data using QGIS via Layman QGIS Plugin and visualize them using HSLayers-NG, which is a web-based application for sharing data and maps from different HUBs with a broad community. These tools can contribute to enabling Citizen Science Network creation for better data sharing and understanding.
- Map data publishing architecture.
- QGIS Plugin demonstration – how to make a map composition and upload it on a HUB.
- HSLayers-NG demonstration – how to retrieve, edit and display data on a web from a HUB issue with Agriculture industry.
- František Zadražil, Project Coordinator of the HSLayers-NG framework
- Pavel Hajek, Researcher, Department of Geomatics, University of West Bohemia
- Bente Lilja Bye, CEO, BLB & webinar host on behalf of Plan4all