Work packages & deliverables

Work Packages

Work Package Lead Partner
WP2: Soil management methods PANNON EGYETEM
WP3: Limiting factors to optimal quality and productivity VLAAMSE INSTELLING VOOR TECHNOLOGISCH ONDERZOEK N.V.
WP4: Precision agriculture UNIVERSITEIT GENT
WP5: Spatial land suitability analysis tool ARISTOTELIO PANEPISTIMIO THESSALONIKIS
WP6: ICT Open Platform integration AGROTIKES EFARMOGES I.K.E.
WP7: Pilots-integration LESPROJEKT SLUZBY SRO
WP8: Enabling environment and economic impact AGRISAT IBERIA SL
WP9: Dissemination & Communication, Exploitation ETAM SA


Deliverables D1

D1.1 Report on Eurasian soil platform setup [download]
D1.2 Report on Eurasian soil platform update [download]
D1.3 Prototype of operational Eurasian soil platform [download]
D1.4 Report on identification of available information sources [download]
D1.5 Updated report on available information sources [download]
D1.6 Final report on available information sources [download]
D1.7 Report on methods and procedures for linking of initial information sources [download]
D1.8 Updated report on methods and procedures for linking of information sources [download]
D1.9 Final report on linking of information sources [download]
D1.10 Report on inventory of information sources [download]
D1.11 Report on bright soil discovery service setup [download]
D1.12 Prototype of Bright soil discovery service

Deliverables D2

D2.1 Report of the influence of soil management of soil quality and function including changes in carbon and N, P and K [download]
D2.2 Recommendations for soil management for improving soil quality and function
D2.3 Tool development for correlating land use modeling and soil quality [download]
D2.4 Report of the impact of Land Use on Soil Quality [download]
D2.5 Robust spectroscopy-based calibration models to measure soil contaminants (e.g., HCs and HMs) in problem soils
D2.6 Robust spectroscopy-based calibration models to measure key soil quality, physical and fertility indicators (e.g., CEC, organic carbon (or SOM), N, P, K, and pH
D2.7 Biophysical quality indicators for monitoring soil and crops [download]
D2.8 Assimilation of biophysical quality indicators into fusion products definition and algorithms
D2.9 Assimilation of biophysical quality indicators into fusion products operational system

Deliverables D3

D3.1 Report on spatiotemporal yield variability [download]
D3.2 Report on soil characteristics, land and water management [download]
D3.3 Report on yield potential in relation to soil, land and water resources management
D3.4 Web-based viewer and services to unlock the compiled geo- information to multiple actors

Deliverables D4

D4.1 Thematic maps of soil and crop characteristics including crop yield [download]
D4.2 Recommendation maps for variable rate, N, P, K and organic fertilizers [download]
D4.3 Report on site-specific tillage implemented in the field describing advantages and shortcomings
D4.4 Report on algorithms for optimal routing and CTF for agricultural machinery to mitigate compaction [download]
D4.5 Delineation of management zones methodology

Deliverables D5

D5.1 Inventory of parameters for suitability land-based evaluation [download]
D5.2 Land suitability software tool setup
D5.3 Operational land suitability software tool
D5.4 Visualisation interface software for land suitability setup
D5.5 Visualisation interface software for land suitability operational

Deliverables D6

D6.1 Prototype DSS structure definition [download]
D6.2 Prototype DSS test version
D6.3 Prototype DSS beta version
D6.4 Report on DSS test and validation
D6.5 DSS user training and adoption report
D6.6 Guidelines for DSS adoption in English and Chinese

Deliverables D7

D7.1 Multi-actor process and validation framework
D7.2 Multi-actor community directory
D7.3 Pilot-specific SIEUSOIL profiles [download]
D7.4 Validation report of first results [download]
D7.5 Validation report of optimal results
D7.6 Report on SIEUSOIL synthesis of methodology [download]
D7.7 Report on SIEUSOIL synthesis products update [download]
D7.8 Report on SIEUSOIL synthesis products for end users
D7.9 Pilot cases roadmap [download]

Deliverables D8

D8.1 Framework for socioeconomic and policy analysis [download]
D8.2 Report on LCA of nutrient flows [download]
D8.3 Report on LCA for environmental impacts
D8.4 Socio-economic analysis and impact report
D8.5 Report on potential for adoption of SIEUSOIL tools and measures
D8.6 Policy recommendations

Deliverables D9

D9.1 Dissemination & communication plan [download]
D9.2 Dissemination & Communication pack [download]
D9.3 Dissemination & Communication activities report [download]
D9.4 Dissemination & Communication activities report update
D9.5 SIEUSOIL network of interest formation [download]
D9.6 SIEUSOIL network of interest update [download]
D9.7 SIEUSOIL network of interest reports future plans
D9.8 Establishment of the Association of Stakeholders on soil management ‘SOILNET’
D9.9 Market analysis initial report
D9.10 Sustainability and exploitation plan of SIEUSOIL outputs, initial report
D9.11 Sustainability and exploitation plan of SIEUSOIL outputs, final report
D9.12 Market analysis final report
D9.13 Business plan and models, initial approach
D9.14 Business plan and models, final report
D9.15 SIEUSOIL Hackathons plan [download]
D9.16 SIEUSOIL Hackathons report
D9.17 Soil Future Research Roadmap
D9.18 Dissemination & Communication activities final report

Deliverables D10

D10.1 SIEUSOIL website established and up and running
D10.2 Quality control plan
D10.3 Data management plan [download]
D10.4 Gender action plan [download]
D10.5 Interim compilation of agendas and minutes of GA, PMB and Sino-EU Forum meetings
D10.6 Interim IPR management report
D10.7 Final compilation of agendas and minutes of GA, PMB and Sino-EU Forum meetings
D10.8 Final IPR Management Report
D10.9 SIEUSOIL detailed Project Management Plan and Progress Monitoring Methodology (incl. definition of KPIs)
D10.10 SIEUSOIL Scoping paper
D10.11 Interim report on the SIEUSOIL Sino-EU Forum

Deliverables D11

D11.1 H – POPD – Requirement No. 1
D11.2 NEC – Requirement No. 4